We have been awarded the prestigious Social Value Quality Mark (SVQM) at the Bronze level

This accolade recognises our dedication and commitment to creating social value and positively impacting society.


As a significant local employer in Bridgend, we pledge to use our position to up-skill the local community. We plan to establish an apprenticeship scheme with a local college to provide hands-on education in engineering skills.

Additionally, we provide STEM opportunities for local schools, working with the Stem Cymru EESW, a Bridgend educational charity, and identifying local organisations that can use our scrap metal and fabrics for engineering education. We also support local school leavers with interview practice.

Our dedication to creating a positive impact on both the environment and the local community is a huge part of this award.

We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and net zero for scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040. We will secure ISO 14001 accreditation by the end of 2024.

Tony Smith , our Vice President of Engineering and Social Value Lead, commented:

We are delighted to have reached the first waypoint on the journey of getting our social value endeavours formally recognised and audited by the Social Value Quality Mark. We are excited by the potential for us to help our local community. Receiving the Social Value Quality Mark is a testament to IrvinGQ®’s commitment to making a positive impact on society.”

Our Pledges


  1. We are committed to achieving a comprehensive baseline of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, aiming for a net zero objective.

    We pledge to publish our ISO 14064-1-compliant carbon reduction plan by the end of 2024. We will also achieve 
ISO 14001 accreditation by the end of 2024.

Health and Wellbeing

2. All IrvinGQ® employees will have access to Medicash 
Level 1 by the end of 2024, covering costs such as dentistry and physiotherapy and providing gym discounts. 

We also want to establish an understanding of staff physical health issues. Therefore, we have implemented role-related occupational health assessments.

Economic inequality

3. As a significant local employer in Bridgend, we pledge to use our position to upskill the local community, identified as deprived in the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 

We plan to establish an apprenticeship scheme with Bridgend College to provide hands-on education in engineering skills and support local school leavers with interview practice.

education and skills

4. Training and development is vital at IrvinGQ®, and we will ensure that all staff have clear opportunities for progression and development.

We will produce a staff survey on training and from this establish a target for any improvement opportunities.

Enhance diversity

5. We will measure our current diversity against 2021 census data and implement a DE&I strategy by July 2024.

Also, supporting STEM activities in local schools at least three times per year, gathering feedback from participants to ensure quality and impact.